My Heavenly Valentine
Hello My Love,
I cannot believe it’s been 2 years since I have held you, kissed you or heard you say “I Love You”. I really miss hearing your voice. As you know, you will always be the love of my life. Handling the sadness since you left has had its challenges. But the charity, our family and my job have kept me busy. Work seems to mask the pain.
Right after you left the feeling of emptiness was overwhelming. But knowing you were in a better place, knowing you were no longer struggling to breathe, knowing that you were gong to be our new family protector was all I needed to feel secure. Yet, I still miss you. I will always miss you!
As bad as I want to talk with you, I love all the little signs you continue to give me. I originally thought the coins in the shower was the best sign. You have topped that with the house. You listened to me everyday as I was crying on my way to the bingo hall. Everyday, I pointed out the house I thought would be the greatest retirement home. I was so excited when I saw the for-sale sign. And now I wake up in my little house on the hill. I love the deer, the turkeys, all the birds and even the fox. The only thing missing is you. But you are here, I feel you, I just cannot hear you.
What you have done for our charity is a true blessing for everyone we help and will help. I will never forget how bad we both felt when we could not help Bill Love stay alive. And now with your help the past 2 years we have helped more people than I know. I realized we have donated about $300, 000 and over $200, 000 of that is since you my love, passed away. Your dream has come true. I will continue to donate all my free time and work hard to keep your dream going.
I cannot thank you enough for what you have done for me, for our family and for our charity. When Steve died while you and your family were grieving and barely living, you started our journey in giving the gift of life. We have only just begun! We might not actually give the gift of life. We do give so people can afford the gift of life. As I wipe tears from my eyes, you have given me the greatest gift of all, your love and the ability to oversee your charity. The lesson in life I learned from you is true love needs to be shared. I will continue to share your love with as many people as I can.
I love you Mary! I will always love you! Thank you for our love story and our family. And thank you for helping my sadness by bringing love back into my life.