Honored By Help Hope LiveCalling on prayer warriors and donors.Honored By Help Hope Live
Cindy Bertram needs our help
Calling on Prayer warriors, calling for a living donor, calling for a donor and calling on financial donors; Lets help Cindy get her liver transplant. Let help her get her life back.
Cindy needs a liver transplant, She needs a donor and she needs help with the costs not covered by insurance.
Here is the story as told by Cindy’s husband Tony:
My Wife, the mother of our children needs your help to stay alive. She needs a liver transplant and believe it or not you can help!
In 2016 I was woken up in the middle of the night by my wife. She was laying on the bathroom floor surrounded in blood. Blood she was vomiting. She spent 3 long weeks in the hospital while they tried to figure out what was wrong. In this time they gave her 17 units of blood, enough to replace all the blood in her body. Within 24 hours after they sent her home, I rushed her back after she got sick again.
This time the doctors figured out the problem and the cure is a liver transplant. They said she had Hepatitis. I told the doctors, there is no way; I am an ex-Marine, she and I spent our lives volunteering to help other people. We were never drug users. How could something like this happen?
In 1972 she was in a severe car accident where she lost a lot of blood. Back then they did not check the blood like they do now. The blood she received in 1972 was tainted with Hepatitis C.
Here we are 3 years since they diagnosed her with Hepatitis, my wife needs a liver to survive.
For the first time in our lives we find ourselves on the other side; we both volunteered to help others. We never thought we would need help ourselves. But here we are, I am campaigning for two things. First and foremost, to get her healthy so she can live her life out. Secondly for financial assistance to help pay the portion of medical bills our Medicare won’t cover. They are telling us that the medications she will take after the transplant won’t be cheap.
Hopefully a donor comes along before it is too late for her. After all 18 people die every day waiting for a transplant. Being a liver, she can have a living donor which is reassuring. But finding the match is not as easy as it may sound.
In the age of people scamming others with fake stories like this one we searched for a non-profit to work with. We chose Help Hope Live. They ensure that any money donated is only used for medial expenses. They money that you donate in Cindy’s name, goes to their non profit. In doing this, you get the tax deduction and the piece of mind that we won’t be getting the money for anything but medical expenses. You can read all about it on their web site. You can look them up in Charity Navigator, the IRS, etc…
If you are not an organ donor, you can sign up through your state. If you can help us with the financial burden, please visit our Help Hope Live donor campaign at https://helphopelive.org/campaign/14019/
God Bless and thank you for any support you can give. We will beat this but we can only do it with your help.